We write this as we enter into the final days of Lent and look forward to celebrating THE RESURRECTION!! Lent is a time of reflection, repentance and waiting on the Lord---as we pray for ourselves and our community here, asking for "resurrection", for "revival", asking the Lord to "renew the face of the earth" in ourselves and in those around us, we are aware that every revival, every new birth, requires a "death"---in spiritual terms, we must repent and die to ourselves in order for the Lord to do HIS new work, HIS life within us...would you join us in that prayer during this season... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------A NEW LIFE IN CHRIST---RIGO...-------------------------- A very special "resurrection" story that our church here just experienced involves our next door neighbor, Rigo--He has lived in this community all his life, never married and now lives alone --He has always appeared to us like a crusty, old mountain man, to be honest a little scarey---but we have prayed for him and tried to connect with him as much as possible--the main leader of our church here, Jose Miguel has really developed a heart for this man--and many in our small groups have started praying regularly for him---initially, he was not at all interested in anything about God!!! Last summer he became quite ill and went to stay with family in the capital---He saw a doctor there who diagnozed him with advanced cancer and gave him about six months to live, saying there was really nothing more to be done. Rigo wanted to return to his home and he did a few months ago--since then we all have had him heavy on our hearts---recently he told Jose Miguel that he wanted to come to church---which thrilled us all--but the next Sunday he was very sick and could not come--we prayed harder--and two weeks ago he did come to church and he was so "ready" to meet God!!! He sang and clapped his hands--noone could believe it!! At the end of the service we all gathered around him to pray for him and he said that he wanted to receive Christ as savior and lord--Our worship leader, Joel, said a beautiful salvation prayer and Rigo prayed to accept Christ--and he cried!! and we cried!!! This was probably the most powerful moment our family here has experienced since we moved here!! To be able to pray with him as family and with our church family was an incredible privilege and blessing!!! Please keep Rigo in your prayers as well as his family and our church family--he is very sick and his days here are probably few but what joy we all now have in thinking of his future and eternal home!!!!! To God be the glory, Great things He has done!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHARING OUR LIVES TOGETHER IN COMMUNITY...---------------------------------------- We love sharing life here with our neighbors---one way that Cherry finds to connect with the women here is to "bake" together--that is a "rich time" in so many ways---here are Cherry with Yokasta and her sweet daughter, Lisbery, baking a flan!!! ----- a "first" for both of them -------------- We shared the flan with our neighbors at a birthday party!!! ----------------------------------- A VERY SPECIAL AND ENCOURAGING VISIT... --------------- We love, love, love it when we hear from friends at home--in fact, Dave schedules monthly phone calls with key men in his life for encouragement and accountability--one of those men is Marty Trunk of Bloomington--awhile back Marty contacted Dave concerning their phone call which was scheduled for March--but Marty said that he did not want to call Dave---rather he wanted to come visit and talk face to face!!!!! What a beautiful surprise!! There is truly nothing more valuable to us as far as supporting us in ministry here than for someone to come here to us, see how we live and what we do and pray for us and our community---and Traci came too which so blessed Cherry and our girls!!! SO A HUGE GRACIAS TO MARTY AND TRACY FOR SO POWERFULLY AND LOVINGLY SUPPORTING US!!! MAY GOD BLESS YOU BIG!!--------- ---------------- We wish you all a very blessed Easter--thank you for supporting us--take a look at the right-hand panel for our latest prayer requests and some words to hopefully encourage you along your way as we all expectantly wait for the Resurrection.-------------------- By God's grace and for His glory, The Dave Schwulst family

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