A New Name...

This month we would like to share one of the many "stories" God is writing here in our community and in our hearts---About three years ago, one of our neighbors, who went by the nickname "Nani" approached Dave saying he was having serious marriage problems and could he come to church with us.  That is how the story began--there have been many "highs and lows" to this story over these past few years--then this past July when we returned from the states Nani was at a point that he was willing to completely give himself over to the Lord--he began meeting with Dave almost daily for discipleship, really open to God's word and ways in his life---with God's help he made and continues to make some very difficult lifestyle changes--as a man, husband and father---recently he decided to be baptized before one of our church services to publicly proclaim his new life in Christ--and he told everyone that he no longer wants to be called "Nani" but rather Leonel which is his birth name--he wants nothing to do with the old life of "Nani" as he wants to live as a new creation in Christ---watching God do His transforming work in Leonel has been so very encouraging and motivating to us personally and to our church body here. Thank you Lord that you are a Redeemer, Restorer, Rebuilder and Rewarder...
Dave baptizing Leonel

Leonel and Dave baptizing Joshuard, Leonel's oldest son

The family after the baptism

Enjoying a little healthy family competition at the pool table!!

Please pray for Leonel and Carolina and their three boys --that the Lord protect them and continue His transforming work in them, their marriage and their family.  God has also given them the same heart as He has given us--to reach out to help the marriages in this community.  Below Leonel and Carolina are sharing their testimony with another couple from the community whom they invited to church!!!  To God be the Glory!!!

Another beautiful story we have to share is that one of the couples here that we have reached out to for a couple of years now celebrated a special accomplishment.  Yeimi graduated with a teaching certificate--she hopes to teach at one of the schools in our area--we were blessed to witness the graduation ceremony and celebrate as a church family afterwards!!

Dave and Cherry with new graduate, Yeimi, and her husband

Yeimi, with family and some of your young church members who came to support her

Another celebration...

A number of our church family surprised Cherry on her 60th birthday--she returned home to a beautifully decorated gazebo with a cake and gift waiting---it was indeed a sweet time of celebration as a family!!

Family news...

Here is Rachael in Switzerland with her YWAM DTS class --a praise that she is enjoying it all so!

As always we thank you for your prayers and support--please check the right-hand panel for Rachael's update and our new prayer requests.



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