We have had a great start to the new year---with new births --both physical and spiritual!!! 

 We have really seen our young leaders here continue to grow in their love for God and others---they are reaching out in love to each other and to the community---forming sweet discipleship relationships that are bearing fruit---three young women have been baptized this year so far...

Issa and Ilumin baptizing Yamely...

and Daniella...

Jose Miguel baptizing Dauri...

And Ilumin giving a beautiful testimony of God touching her life convicting her to take her faith walk seriously!!

And we have been very much enjoying the "fruit" of some of our young couples we mentor---Meet Juan Arturo, son of Jhonny and Vanessa...

Look at that head of hair!!!...

And our sweet neighbor, Yeimy, who is part of our church body just gave birth to her second child, Yesmely Grassel...

And neighbor, church member and part of Rachael's young women's group, Anurka, gave birth to Amber Juliet...

And one of the missionary women that Cherry mentors, Catherine's baby Josephine, continues to bring us all much joy---three months old now!!

Here the church leadership is blessing Anurka and her baby, Amber...

Our worship team continues to deepen in spiritual growth and unity and we are all reaping the benefits of this during worship times!!...

Our hearts continue to be burdened for the families of our community and throughout the island--for peace, harmony and unity of the families--that the Lord would turn the hearts of the fathers toward their children and wives----here are two brothers who live in our community and their children...


This month was a "first" for our guest house---one of our young adults in the community who is really stepping up to lead, Juan Luis, asked if he could stay in the guest house and do a 24 hour fast retreat before he was to share at our Wednesday night service on the basketball court--it was especially encouraging for us to serve him in that way---and his sharing was powerful that night!!!


Speaking of babies, Cherry's mom, Josephine, became a great grandma--finally!!!--A great blessing for her!!!  We are all loving baby Emaline--Cherry's niece, Danielle's first baby!!

Son Shane came to visit in January---and we had great weather for him!!!

Rebekah continues to play both indoor and outdoor soccer---her team is doing very well this year--it has been beautiful to watch them mature in so many ways since junior high days!!...

Daughter Blythe is doing well in her graduate studies program and is enjoying that beautiful San Diego weather!!

Check out the latest with our daughter, Rachael, in Thailand as well as our latest prayer requests and some words to encourage you along your way---on the right-hand panel

Thanks again for all you do for us!!!

By God's grace and for His glory,

The Dave Schwulst family

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